Monday, June 02, 2008

good thing

that i didn't make any promises about posting - because dang i would so not have kept them.

There is a blog i love - its the OVERLOOKED blog - by Ashley Wren - who I adore. She is totally rad. I thought I would post my journaling for her current overlooked item here.

Overlooked topic : TV /Movie DVD Love

1. What do you do while you watch TV? Are you very focused on the show? Or are you a multi-tasker?
I am usually not very focused on TV at all, unless LOST is on. I sit and scrapbook, or surf the interweb while the TV is on. Movies are a bit different - if I have seen them a hundred times then I treat them the same as TV, but if it is a new movie - I am all kinds of attentive.

2. Are you pretty laid back and chill - or are you always having to "shhhh" people?
I'm laid back. I do however not like it when the hubby knows that I am watching a show and wants to have a 20 min conversation about some totally not related crap right in the middle. Ick - i don't like that - thank god for DVR

3. Write out what is currently on your DVR/TiVo List
Secondhand Lions
Mighty B! (8) - for me not the kid
Chop Socky Chooks (3)
The Wedding Date
How I met your Mother(2)
The Big Bang Theory (3)
LOST (5)
Kingdom of Heaven
Yo Gabba Gabba (4)
The Mr. Men Show (2) - also for me not the kid
National Treasure
Medium (2)
Radiohead : From the Basement
The Bourne Identity
Top Chef

4. Write a list of all the movies you have.
Dude - That is like a ton, I'll just make a list of my faves.

The Harry Potter Movies
Hitch Hicker's Guide to the Galaxy
The 300
The Royal Tenenbaums
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Lemony Snicket
Mona Lisa Smile
Shaun Of the Dead
The Xena Series
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Flight of The Concords
Fight Club
The REsident Evil Movies
The Chronicles of Riddick

just to name a few

5. Jot down a little note or two about your favorite "TV watching" beverage or snack.
ummmm that would be coke or root beer and anything sweet

6. Parents- how many times a day do you have to put in that ONE movie for your child that they love so much? How long have they loved it? Write down a few movies that they have gone through this phase with.

Man we did this with the Elmo videos, and
Ice Age
Monsters Inc.
Finding Nemo

and now we have to DVR LOST because its on past her bedtime. hehehe

7. What about a show that you CANNOT believe that you actually watch. Whether its because its not your style, or its "cheesy"...
I thought I would hate America's Next Top Model - that was like 6 or 7 seasons ago

8. Call your movie store or look up online and jot some journaling down about the last 5 movies you rented. Give a review of each one, or rank them 1-5.

We do Netflix - my heart - and the last 5 rentals were

Catch and Release -3
Into the Wild -4
Becoming Jane -1
30 Days of Night -2
I am Legend -5

9. Who is your TV crush? Write down why.
I have two..

Matthew Fox - Dr. Jack Shephard
I love the character, strong and trying so hard to do the right thing, and well he i just a beautiful beautiful man.
I also adore Matthew fox, cute - loves taking photos - goes skinny dipping - and he looks hot in the racer X outfit.

10. Simply write about your all time favorite TV show. (whether still on air or not)
My favorite all time TV show was and still pretty much is Xena. I loved the bond between the two friends. I guess thats my longing for a true sister showing. And also the history they brought into the show. THey were also never afraid to make fun of them selves.
Now LOST is a very very close second.

11. Simply write about your all time favorite movie.
For me that is impossible. I love too many movies.
I could watch the Harry Potter movies a zillion times and not get tired of them, so maybe those are the closest to a favorite.

12. Write about a movie that you did NOT want to watch, but did - and you LOVED it.
Man I did NOT want to like any of Wes Anderson's movies ( Royal Tenenbaums, Life aquatic, Darjeeling Limited), but I love them.

13. If you DVR/TiVo you watch it right away? or just whenever you get a second...
I usually watch it after everyone goes to bed.

14. Is there a TV show your spouse/gf/bf got you hooked on or vice versa?
Mel - America's Next Top Model and Project Runway
Chrissy-poo - Big Bang Theory
My Mom - Law and Order
Joey - The Might B!

15. Do you have TV's in all of your rooms?
In the living room and bedrooms. Joey has one in her room only because It has a built in VHS player and we didn't want to get rid of all her VHS tapes, but she can only watch it on the weekends.

16. Do you watch the same episode over and over?
Not usually - I pick up most stuff the first go.

17. When you are done with a show - do you delete it? Or Save it?
Depends on the show - I usually delete it. Sometimes we save a whole bunch so we can have a marathon.

18. Could you give up TV for an extended amount of time? Would you be better because of it?
I could but I wouldn't want to - I mostly use it as background noise - It helps me relax.